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Personal Financial Reviews and Debt Counselling


There are many factors that can influence your finances — from your lifestyle and your income to your debt and your investments. As one of Alberta’s most experienced financial educators, I will work closely with you to incorporate all aspects of your financial picture and together we can create a one-, three- or even a five-year-plan that is designed specifically to you and your needs.

My debt counselling has resulted in some clients experiencing up to 85% reduction in debt repaid with all clients reducing the total amount of their personal debt paid back to creditors, I have helped others pay out and restructure their debt with an equity loan on their home and many others have worked through the challenge with effective budgeting and my personal coaching.

My goal is to improve your relationship with your finances through guidance, support and advice based on more than 40 years as a banker and financial planner. Maybe it is creating a budget to manage debt, plan for your retirement, explore your insurance needs, or investing in your family’s education. Together, we can structure a budget and build a financial plan, and then, by creating a working partnership, we will make adjustments to keep things on track to allow you to reach your financial goals today and down the road.




 My clients gain the ability to develop crystal-clear clarity around realistic goals by receiving honest observations to help them reflect on, select, and refine personal strategies.  Together, as client and coach, we create consistent checkpoints for ranking, refining, and prioritizing daily tasks - which isn’t always simple. My process involves helping clients to discover creative solutions and to establish the best course of action to maximize performance, effectiveness, and satisfaction.


Financial Literacy Seminars


Being in good financial health isn’t about being rich - it means being aware of your own situation and having a solid plan to improve it. We tailor-make our seminars to differing levels of financial understanding and ensure we meet the unique challenges facing all kinds of people: from teens in school to seniors in retirement. Seminar components may include such topics as:


  • Banking

  • Saving

  • Insurance

  • Mortgages

  • Debt and Credit Management

  • Investments

  • Retirement and Pensions

  • Income Tax

  • Financial Planning

  • Fraud Protection


As a seminar participant you will come away with a set of skills that makes sense for you and your financial reality. You will have gained the financial literacy necessary to figure out where you stand, where you need to be, and the ways to help you get there.

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